Thursday, October 13, 2011

The GNH workshop in my school commenced with its trademark- 2 minutes of Meditation. Feet touching the ground gently, tip of the tongue touching the upper palate softly, and all your 33 vertebral columns alinging in a single straight row. That is the calmest posture and the most reliable yogic concept of relaxation! Few seconds into that, i thought whole of my bodily system wud collapse but i stri...ved hard not to yield to the temptations of few more seconds.
There were four fecilitators in our school and about 36 teachers attending the workshop. After registration, we were handed with a booklet, almost 2 kgs of pure GNH! Overcome by curiosity, i flipped over the pages. Impressive it is, not that it contained all golds but the way it is formatted to suit us all. The first session was more of what is GNH(I have tried my hands on GNH in my first few articles). I wanted to scream "State of mind", but good conscience got better half of me and let my friends raise their opinions. After that it was contextualizing education for GNH. Activity no 1: What GNH-related activities do u carry out in your classroom? Our group made a long list of it and a colleague presented the ideas. Tea break. Second session was a continuation on it. Lunch break. Nothing so delicious about GNH-potato curry and an egg each! POst lunch, it was a session on meditation, ironic that meditation aint meant to be done only during fresh hours. We were introduced into various types of meditation. I liked it most when we practised the Walk Meditation. I thought i wud beat all others especially in this. Another interesting concept for small children was Bowl Meditation. We seated ourselves in a well-defined circle and passed a water bowl after making a wish. "May i wish all beings to be happy", "May good health abound us all", "May we learn GNh from this workshop"....blah blah. I wanted to wish "Ooooom sowaha...may all disappear!!".

That is all, i thought i wud update you guys about the workshop so that it wud be easier for me to get rid of my desire to write..hehe. Good day ahead.

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